The first annual celebration of Shalem Apostolic Baking School is over
The first annual celebration of Shalem Apostolic Baking School is over
    • Umesh Budha

    • १९ बैशाख २०८१, बुधबार


The first annual celebration of Shalem Apostelim Vision Academy Beding School in Sinja Rural Municipality has been completed. The chief guest of the program or Sinja rural municipality chairman Poorna Prasad Dhita said that every plan was brought to improve the quality of the education sector, but some forces did not allow it to be implemented.

I still want to make education pardashi. And in the next budget, I will give more to education than other development work. According to Dhital, Sinja students go abroad to learn English. But this teaching is teaching English well to the students.

And Bedingal has also stopped the inn by leaving the manpower outside. Dhital also expressed his wishes for good health and long life in response to this request. According to Sinja Rural Municipality Education Department Head Tirtha Wad, we have provided services to as many community schools as possible.

He told the boarding school not to delay. Principal Pankaj Tiwari said that boarding school is not a fashion but to compete with other community and private schools and to produce good students. Gavind Sharmal, who is the manager of Bading or the chairman of the program.  There is only one boarding school among 22 community schools in Sinjagaon municipality.

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